Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Lord of the Flies is a book about a group of boys from about age 6 to age 12 end up crashing on a deserted island, with no adults around to help them, they have to survive and function  as civil people until they were rescued or die trying. Quickly the main character Ralph becomes chief of the group of boys because he called all of them using a conch shell which become a symbol of order and civilization.
This book is considered a classic, I can understand this because of its message. The real human nature and other messages integrated in the book. The book was interesting and easy to read. Despite all that, I will never say that I liked this book. This book is a book that in my belief was aiming to please mature audiences like high schoolers. In as an eighth grader I understand the concepts that are portrayed in this book, and as a piece of literature it is really good. The problem arises with me being an eighth grader, I understand the book completely, the only thing is that I really don't care. I don't care for the message that William Golding is trying to teach me so even though it's a classic, I don't like it.

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