Friday, March 17, 2017

Think and grow rich

      I chose to read Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill the original 1937 version. Think and grow rich has been one of the most successful books since first published in 1937 and has been remastered a number of times to have relevant examples of how to grow rich even though it is the same key principles. Napoleon Hill's "mission" I guess you can call it is to help as many people realize what truly makes a man successful and how to gain those riches yourself. In favor of his mission, he wrote this book. Napoleon has 13 key principles and during the book, it will give you instructions to follow, don't ignore them you must do exactly what he says or it will not work.
      "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve." A quote that comes up a lot during this book. Napoleon Hill uses many examples of people that achieved success and how they did it and explains it. So Hill uses Thomas A. Edison as an example of how Edison conceived the idea of becoming a scientist even with very little education. Napoleon even uses his own son as an example because his story is incredible. Napoleon Hill had a son born without ears and doctors believed that he may never be able to hear. Hill found out that his son did have a very slight degree of hearing so Hill implanted the desire of being able to hear like any normal person in his son's head.  I cannot give you the whole story but if you read the book you can find out for yourself.
Napoleon Hill holding a copy of his book Think and Grow Rich 

Ancient Weapons

      When I had to pick a book from my school library I had trouble, I always have trouble picking out books mainly because I don't like to read. So towards the end of the library trip, I had to determine what book was the best one for me. Now I don't know what possessed me to do this but I ended up getting The Story of Ancient Weapons by Will Fowler. I just had to pick one and the title seemed interesting. 
      The book The Story of Ancient Weapons by Will Fowler was pretty good, it's just like the book says it's basically the history of weapons. There is a line in the book that says, "The use of weapons is almost as ancient as humanity" I like this quote not only because it kinda sounds cool but because it's true, in the book it shows you a timeline of weapons just to show you that weapons have existed for many hundreds of years. it isn't really a book you can spoil its just facts about ancient weapons and how people used them. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Butterfly project

The sun goes down
and everything is silent,
only at the guard's post
are heavy footfalls heard.

That's the guard who watches his Jews
to make sure they run away from the ghetto.
or that an Aryan aunt or uncle
doesn't try to get in

Ten o'clock strikes suddenly,
and the windows of Dresden's barracks darken.
The women have a lot to talk about;
they remember their homes, and dinners they made.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


      If you were to ask me straight up if I had any regrets I would initially say no. Of course, it's not like I have never made any mistakes, I can assure you that I have made many if not tons of mistakes in the short live that I have lived so far. I have not only made mistakes but have just done things in general that are bad or that could have been dealt with in a different or better manner. I will admit that I mess up many different times at many different things and interactions but do I regret anything? Every day we fall and fail but life goes on. I used to feel regret all the time when I was a bit younger but I was sick of being sorry even though it has already passed and nothing can be done, I got sick of all the stressing and guessing what to do next. Does regreting really help? I never understood that aspect that why do we feel regret if we can't go back and fix things, shouldn't we just accept it and move on with the day? Well, that's why you won't hear me say I have any regrets. Although I wouldn't consider that I have any regrets, that doesn't mean I don't feel bad when I do something wrong or inconsiderate. Instead of feeling bad for something that I have done I see what I have done any see what I can do to fix it. If there is no possible way to right what I have done wrong then I have no choice but to live on. I don't want to regret things that I have no control over anymore so I would rather comprehend that incident as a learning experience and understand what I have done wrong and try my hardest to avoid those occurrences. Have I ever had regrets in the past? Well quite frankly, yes. I should trust my own judgment instead of listening to my friends most of the time. Sometimes I would listen to what my friends say and do things that I would otherwise not attempt. I won't go into detail at all really. Some say that they would like to go back and change things, I have been asked this but I reply no because I know that I would like to make a small mistake regarding listening to my friends now while they are still not that bad rather than in the future when it could make a huge impact on my life in the future.